Elevate Your Global Business Skills
Develop the essential skills for global business success. Our senior trainers, armed with extensive industry experience, provide tailored training programs to enhance your communication, leadership, and cross-cultural competence.

Examples of training topics we are happy to provide and teach:
Working successfully in a multinational corporation
- Develop excellence at pro-active communication
- sense of responsibility,
- customer-orientation,
- and out-of-the-box thinking.

Excellent performance at international meetings
Clear understanding about international audience expectations, and ways to meet and exceed them. Presentations skills in physical and virtual environments.
Leading international Teams successfully
(focus on Romanian, German & Austrian teams)
Romania-specific leadership skills (for expatriates). How to lead and inspire Romanian teams successfully. Develop cross-cultural leadership skills. Create high-performing local teams.

Quiet the Noise: Managing Inner Saboteurs for Success
Our inner saboteurs are those sneaky voices that undermine our efforts and often our relationships. When we can spot them and know how to mentally and emotionally self-regulate, we'll be able to keep our cool in stressful situations.
Navigating Bias: Strategies for Addressing Unconscious Bias
- Understand how biases appear and how we reinforce them Discover your own biases - yes, you too have them too.
- Learn to look beyond stereotypes Understand where we typically find bias in the workplace and how it affects the team.
- Explore ways to reduce biases and their impact on your team.
- Find out how to train your mental flexibility in order to increase objectivity and inclusiveness.
LinkedIn Hacks
- Get your LinkedIn profile going with:
- Essential elements of your account and how to set them up.
- Important account settings.
- Tips for growing your network.
- How to increase engagement with your posts.
- What are the best days and times for posting.
- Increasing your Social selling index.
From Fixed to Growth Mindset
Our mindset determines how we look at our successes and failures. It influences how we perceive our own experiences and determines the way in which we react mentally, emotionally, from a cognitive and behavioral perspective.

- Learn:
- Essential elements of your account and how to set them up.
- How to reframe difficulties or failures in order to turn them into opportunities
- What to do in order to strengthen your growth mindset
- Tips for triggering your growth mindset when you need it
- How to encourage growth mindset in your organization

Managing Change Successfully
Move your international organization from A to B. Benefit from shining examples and don’t repeat the epic fails of others. Win all involved people in favor of their new roles, tasks, responsibilities. Implement your new structure better, faster, smoother.
Cross-Cultural Facilitation for M&A
Develop smart solutions for cross-cultural challenges. Business Target: Reach a fast break-even.